
Open to work

31 Jan. 1998


I was born in Montpellier, a pretty town in the south of France.

Sept. 2013 - Jun. 2016

Baccalauréat Pro - ELectrotechnics, Energy, Communicating Equipment

I studied at the Astier High School in Aubenas, France. Where I obtained my baccalaureate in electronic engineering.

Sept. 2017 - Jun. 2019

BTS - Digital Systems Computing and Networks

I studied at the Astier High School in Aubenas, France. Where I obtained my bac +2 in computer science.

Sept. 2020 - Nov. 2020

Fullstack JavaScript Web Developer Bootcamp

I studied at La Capsule Academy where I follow a 10-week intensive bootcamp on web and mobile development with JavaScript.

Jan. 2021 - Feb. 2021

Teacher Assistant

Following the Bootcamp at La Capsule Academy. I was able to help new students as an assistant teacher. By providing technical and course assistance

Avr. 2021 - Jul. 2021

Front-end developer - Intership

Following the Bootcamp at La Capsule Academy. I was able to do an internship at Butterfly&Co as a front-end React.js developper. To build an internal app with another student.

Fev. 2022 - Fev. 2024

Application Developer - JavaScript React (RNCP level 6) - BAC+4

I then decided to take a work-study course in front-end development at OpenClassrooms to gain experience in a company.

Fev. 2022 - Dec. 2023

Front-end developer - Apprenticeship

Related to the OpenClassrooms diploma. I work 2 years in Rakuten DX as a front-end developer on Angular and React.js.